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Why I chose to study Kinesiology in Canada (and you should too)

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Why I chose to study Kinesiology goes back to my high school days. In high school, like most boys my favourite times of the day were lunch and gym. So much so that I took a gym class every year in high school. But if I had to decide on another class that I enjoyed and was relatively good at, I would say it was biology. I enjoyed learning the different processes in the body (krebs cycle, glycolysis, etc). So in grade 12 I thought I would apply to university for biology and become a biologist or something. To be honest I didn’t really know what I wanted to do (like most high school students). At the time I still wanted to be a pro soccer player so I was looking for that D1 scholarship to play down in the States and go from there.

So instead of applying for schools in first semester I decided to stay for grade 13 or 5th year as it was called. It wasn’t until the 2nd semester of grade 12 that I took an intro to exercise class taught by my soccer coach. Sports and science together sounded like something I could see myself liking, plus having my soccer coach as my teacher was an added bonus. By the end of the class I found out I enjoyed the application of movement and exercise to science. After that I wondered if this was a university program. To my surprise many universities offered this program so I knew this was meant to be. At my high school graduation I was awarded the physical education award for excellence, which further cemented my decision to pursue aneducation in exercise. After receiving various offers from different Ontario Universities I decided on Western University. The program had a combination of all the things I was interested in, especially the activity classes.

Looking back I don`t have any regrets choosing to study Kinesiology. I always had that interest in the human body and when it was applied to physical movement, activity and sport it became easier to comprehend the concepts. Being an athlete myself I can totally relate to many of the things being taught. I would HIGHLY recommend any individual or athlete interested in exercise, the human body, and sports to study Kinesiology.

Hopefully this helps,

Spencer at Kinformation

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